Air Purifiers Health Benefits

The connection between many health problems and the quality of air we breathe is becoming increasingly evident. 

In recent years, cases of allergies and asthma have increased considerably. In the United States alone, more than 9% of U.S. children below 18 years of age had asthma in 2001, according to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) and National Health Interview Survey (NHIS). Asthma is ravaging our globe, causing around 180,000 deaths annually, according to the World Health Organization (WHO). Although there many preventive measures, the best way to prevent asthma and allergies symptoms is to clean the air you breathe. Outside as inside, the air is full with pollutants:

Air Purifiers

Mites  Mites are a group of insect-like organisms found mostly in house dust. They are responsible for many allergic reactions of the respiratory tract and skin: rhinitis, conjunctivitis, eczema, asthma, hay fever, and more.


Pollen - pollen are microscopic particles come from trees, weeds, flowers, plants, and grasses then carried by wind. They are released especially in summer. They seep into the house through cracks, doors and windows. They are the most frequent cause of symptoms of allergies and asthma.


Mold - Also known as fungi, molds are favored by long periods of wet and humidity in the house. These allergens enter the home either directly or in the form of spores suspended in the air. In a house or any building, molds or fungi generally stay on the walls, gypsum board (plates, sheetrock, etc.), furniture, fabrics, wallpaper, draperies, carpets, rugs, tiles and a ceiling surfaces. Without your intervention, these microscopic fungi will remain in your house causing mild to severe allergies. 

Cigarette smoke

Cigarette smoke - in addition to odors, cigarette smoke produces microscopic dust and very harmful gases. These microorganisms may be responsible for asthma, allergies, cancer and cardiovascular problems. The effects of cigarette smoke on your health are enormous; it would take a whole book to describe them. Whenever possible, stay away from cigarette smoke (including second hand smoke). 


Chemicals - your home can be a source of disease without knowing it. A variety of chemicals is suspended in the air in your room; if you do not eliminate them, they will eliminate you eventually. These harmful particles can come from resin, glue, varnish, solvent, paint, cleaning products, formaldehyde, and other volatile organic compounds (VOCs).

The air in your home and office is contaminated with particles of dust, pollen, molds and other allergens that can impair your health. Certain harmful fibers and chemical dust can enter your respiratory system causing allergies and major health problems. Without an air purifier, your indoor air quality can be more harmful than the outdoor air. You spend most of your time inside; the air you breathe in your home is a prerogative. To maintain a clean and healthy indoor air quality, visit, or click on the link in the resource box below.


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